Council Information
Find out about your local town council.

Council Meetings
Council meetings are generally held on the fourth Monday of every month, with the exception of August and December when the Council is in recess.
Brecon Town Council Members
Comprises of 15 elected Town Councillors.
Town Councillors do not receive any payment for their service to the town apart from IRP obligatory allowances and travelling expenses. Council members are appointed to outside bodies such as Boards of School Governors, Theatr Brycheiniog, various local organisations, to name but a few.
The current Chairperson/Mayor for 2024/2025 is Councillor John Powell. The Mayor takes elected office for one year. The current Deputy Mayor for 2024/25 is Councillor Marie Matthews
Annually the Mayor holds an evening for one hundred people from Brecon voluntary organisations to recognise their commitment to the community.
Please note that all times and dates of meetings are subject to alteration so please telephone to confirm the date. Council usually meets on the fourth Monday of each month excluding August and December.
Responsible for:
Taking all policy and strategic decisions affecting the community of Brecon
The overall financial management of the Council
Taking executive decisions regarding the main business of the Council
Ratifying the recommendations of the Council Committees where no specific delegation of powers has been agreed.
Receiving routine items of business